“What can gaming teach market research?“ This was one of the questions that came out of the recent Festival of NewMR. At the Festival, two of the papers which elicited the greatest interest were on the topic of the potential of gaming for market research, namely Tom Ewing's Game On: How game mechanics are changing the consumer world, and how researchers can play and Brian Fine's "Serious Games" has a place in future MR-it will ensure respondent engagement, focus and therefore validity, and help with panelist retention. It will also increase participation from the elusive 18-24 year olds!
Since the Festival there has been a growing amount of discussion about what do we mean by gaming, is gaming relevant to all types of MR or just to gamers, what might the cost implications of gaming and MR be, and how many different ways might synergies be found? There has been a suggestion that there ought to be a conference on gaming and MR, perhaps a virtual conference and perhaps traditional event.
In order to gauge the interest in this field, and to assess the breadth of ideas, I am going to host a collaborative, virtual event on January 20, 2011. Rather than go for something structured, such as a conference, the idea is based on “bring and tell”. The event will be a discussion space of three hours, with up to ten people presenting their ideas briefly, combined with lots of discussion time.
If you have an idea you’d like to put forward at the Gaming and MR event, let me know by posting a comment on the NewMR.org page set up for this event. The first ten to register their interest will be allowed to present (subject to their ideas not being sales pitches and provided they can ensure that they will have the right sort of connection on the day).
If you would simply like to sign up for the event, visit the registration link here.