Some of the most interesting MR buzz in 2010 was about the potential for utilising gaming in market research, including two of the best received papers at the Festival of NewMR.
This raises some interesting questions, such as:
1. What do we mean by gaming? Does it include virtual worlds (such as Club Penguin or the now somewhat empty Second Life)? Does it include pseudo trading such as prediction markets?
2. Will game playing put off some types of respondents? Will it make excessive demands on the sorts of skills and technology respondents will need to have?
3. Will the costs of adding game playing to market research projects outweigh the benefits? Indeed, what are the costs and what are the benefits?
4. Is gaming in MR a method of extending the reach of MR or is it a replacement technology/approach?
5. What are the most attractive aspects for utilising gaming in MR?
In an attempt to understand the questions better we are organising a virtual, collaborative NewMR Gaming Event on 20 January. The Event is semi-structured and should last about three hours. The first part of the Event will be a series of ten presentations, each lasting just ten minutes. The Event will then move into a general discussion between the presenters and the online audience, investigating the issues raised by the presentations.
We do not expect that the Event will provide much in the way of answers but we are hoping that it might spark one or two initiatives that will, in time, provide some answers.
At the time of writing this post there were still a couple of speaking slots free at the event. We are allocating them on a first come first serve approach. Visit and if there are still fewer than ten speakers, let us know what you would like to present for ten minutes.
If you would like to attend the event please sign up at
Key Details
Date: 20 January 2011
Time: 2pm to 5pm GMT/London, 9am to 12 midday EST/New York
Platform: GoToWebinarCost FREE
Recordings: Our plan is to post copies of the slides and recordings of the sessions on the Internet.
For more information visit