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    Nobody pays me to write any of the copy on my blog, and should I ever have the good fortune that they do, I will declare it. My main employment is as the owner and principal of The Future Place consultancy. The Future Place provides two key services 1) training and services to industry and academic bodies and 2) consultancy services to companies. The details of the companies I work with are a private matter, but if I blog about any company who has paid The Future Place more than expenses recently (approx. two years) I will mention that they are a client. I hold equity in Virtual Surveys and provide consulting services to them from time to time. I am paid to run courses for a number of trade bodies and over the last few years clients have included ESOMAR, AMSRS, MRS, and MRIA.

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I'm a particularly frugal person and have never, probably will never, pay for a webinar. Webinars tend to be interesting, fun, and connect the industry as a team, but rarely do they offer unique, specific information that cannot be obtained elsewhere for free. So while I appreciate them, I appreciate freeloading more. :)

Erica Ruyle

I think that charging for these webinars is not asking too much. Even at the lowest, you'd be getting 3 hours of some really good content and thought provoking material for a mere $10 bucks. You can't buy a good book for under that these days... It's a fantastic investment for development. Even as a presenter I learned a TON today and I was so happy to see theory in motion.

Depending on the frequency of the webinars you're proposing to host and the length would determine IF you charged for them. I think that webinars over an hour and those that aren't directly advertising should come with a charge. I agree with Alina's comment as well about those that are new or complex should be charged and you can bring people in by offering free webinars on introductory or basic idea.

You could also do a few things (might be a housekeeping nightmare but worth a try). First, you could charge a per webinar fee with a varying charge based on topic, speakers and length. You could also get people into a "membership" and have different levels of membership. At the highest they would pay a larger yearly, one time fee but have card blanch to attend any webinar they want and get access to the recordings. Next level down might be the same but you wouldn't get recorded access. A level down from there would be lesser but they could charge X amount of webinars. You can step down membership like that.

I think that if you're taking a huge hit by doing these, despite loving what you're doing, you really need to think about charging.


The webinar I attended this afternoon was quite interesting and it challenged my opinion regarding video games.
I am taking the risk of not being able to attend your webinars in the future and say that for this one I would have paid, as it was very new to me. So I assume it depends on the webinar’s content. If it is about something very new in the industry, complex, not easy to be found elsewhere, a fee might be a good idea, especially if it improves technological performance and participant engagement.
If it is content easy to be found on the Internet, let’s say the basics of market research, than I think it should be free.
Thank you for inviting me and I hope I will be able to attend your next webinars. ;)

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