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    Nobody pays me to write any of the copy on my blog, and should I ever have the good fortune that they do, I will declare it. My main employment is as the owner and principal of The Future Place consultancy. The Future Place provides two key services 1) training and services to industry and academic bodies and 2) consultancy services to companies. The details of the companies I work with are a private matter, but if I blog about any company who has paid The Future Place more than expenses recently (approx. two years) I will mention that they are a client. I hold equity in Virtual Surveys and provide consulting services to them from time to time. I am paid to run courses for a number of trade bodies and over the last few years clients have included ESOMAR, AMSRS, MRS, and MRIA.

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Hi Nigel
I see where you are coming from. However, I think our ability to work out what will help is so limited that it is probably best to allow lots of different people to try different solutions, in the hope that some of them will work. The OLPC is based on looking at the example of what education and technology have done for South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Singapore.

My personal vote for what would make the biggest difference is for the world to adopt Free Trade. At the moment the import tariffs in the West prevent places like Africa being able to export, and can even result in rice and grain being dumped on their markets when it suits price protection in Europe and the US.

Nigel Legg

I think that this is actually a good move for all the wrong reasons. One Laptop per child is a typical example of a well meaning program that does nort tackle the real issues. What point is there in promoting laptops for children who do not have a roof over their heads or enough to eat? Solving the underlying causes of poverty first is more important. Another problem is that without a power supply any laptop is useless anyway - there was an example last year of a school in Nigeria storing three hundred laptops in a cupboard because they did not have access to electricity.

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