The BBC has had a complaint upheld that it misrepresented polling information. Back in January the leader of the Scottish Nationalist Party, Alex Salmond, was being interviewed by the BBC. During the interview the interviewer, Jeremy Paxman, said the BBC had conducted a straw poll with the 25 largest companies in Britain and the 25 largest companies in Scotland and none favoured independence for Scotland. The clear implication being that there was no support for independence amongst leading companies.
However, the interviewer did not tell Mr Salmond that most of the 50 companies had declined to answer, which left open the possibility that some or even most did favour independence. A viewer made a complaint at the time and this has just been upheld.
In one sense this story is a reminder of the classic logic fallacy, just because we can’t sall all the balls are red, it does not mean all the balls are all non-Red. The SNP also take it as a reminder that the British media is very much a Southern media, for London and the Home Counties (for non-Brits the Home Counties are the areas around London such as Kent, Surrey, and Middlesex).
For the BBC report click here, via Research Magazine.
Ps sorry for two stories about UK regional media bias in two days, I will try to look for something more global tomorrow