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Well done on the ride. Although I have never done such a long ride I'm not sure if I would do it on a road bike,

I have just come across your site - Do you have a planned route anywhere i can look at!

We pretty much made it up as we went along. Our route was quite a long version because of going over to Arran and then up Kintyre - but this was one of the best bits of the whole journey.

We made good use of the Official Cyclists Challenge Guide by Brian Smailes and Phil Horsley's Land's End to John O'Groats.

In England we spent quite a long time on the A49 which was a reasonable compromise between scenic and comfort. The least pleasant stretches of road were the A9 North of Dornach (too many vehicles hurrying to cover the large gaps) and the A76 past Sanquar (poor road surface and inconsiderate drivers - both of which might have changed by now).

Lovely surprise discovery, going under the Mendips through a tunnel (no lights needed) from Cheddar and along the Strawberry line, nice way to get towards Bristol.

Good luck

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